Using the Carpenter utility to merge NION log files

When you want to merge several individual NION log files into a single log file, use the Carpenter utility. This is located in the Utilities folder under the NWare installation folder. In the procedure below, it is assumed that you have already downloaded the log files.

To use the Carpenter utility to merge NION log files

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Navigate to the NWare installation folder.
  3. Navigate to the Utilities folder.
  4. Type carpenter <path>, where <path> is the path to the NION log files, and press Enter.

    Here is an example:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\MediaMatrix\NWare 2.0.0\utilities>carpenter "C:\NION logs"

    Reading 'C:\NION logs\NION n3 Log.log'

    Reading 'C:\NION logs\NION n6 Log.log'

    Sorting 3,874 entries

    Writing merged output file 'C:\NION logs\MergedLogs.csv'


See also

Updating firmware on MediaMatrix devices

Using NDP to discover network devices and assign network settings

Updating firmware on nTouch 60 nodes

Displaying log messages for a node

Gathering log files from MediaMatrix nodes using Lumberjack

Using Hex-O-Matic to convert values

Using SNMP Blaster to control MediaMatrix devices using SNMP