Monitoring Crest amplifiers

Crest Audio offers two features to monitor system operation and help systems comply with safety regulations: Real Time Load Monitoring (RTLM) and Speaker Tone Sensing (STS). Both are available in addition to the monitoring systems built in to the amplifiers. These features are set up differently and monitor different parts of the system. Each feature has its pros and cons. This section will discuss these features as separate entities and a hybrid approach will also be discussed for use with the CKi amplifier series.

Note: The ideas and solutions in this section are specific to CKi amplifiers, NxCobraNet and NxEthernet modules, but they are also relevant, and indeed expanded, in the Ci/NxCobraNet8 hardware.

In this section

Speaker tone sensing

Real time load monitoring

Combining STS and RTLM

See also

Adding a CKi amplifier to your design

Adding a Ci amplifier to your design

Adding an amplifier stack to your design