Adding an amplifier stack to your design

If you are working with multiple amplifiers that are located in the same local area of the network, you can create an amplifier stack and specify settings for these devices at the same time.

It is assumed that your project already contains a NioNode or nControl node. This procedure uses a NioNode as an example.

To add an amplifier stack to your design

  1. Drag a Crest Amplifier Stack object from the device tree over to the page.

    The Crest Amplifier Stack Control Properties dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Amplifier Model list, click the amplifier model name.
  3. In the Number of amplifiers box, type the number of amplifiers in the stack.
  4. If you want to make it easier to make fine adjustments at higher gain levels (by decreasing the rate at which the gain changes when it is near the maximum), leave the Live Taper check box checked.
  5. Click OK.

    The CKi Amplifier Stack block or Ci Amplifier Stack block will be created on the page.

  6. Display the NioNode properties, then specify CobraNet CM1:Advanced as the Audio Network Configuration setting.

  7. On the toolbar, click the Emulate button.
  8. Open the CKi Amplifier Stack block or Ci Amplifier Stack block.

    Here is a summary of the available fields for each individual amplifier.

  9. Type the amplifier ids in the Id boxes.

    These are shown at the back of each unit.

  10. Type the IP addresses in the IP Address boxes.

    These are shown at the back of each unit.

    Tip: The subnet mask and gateway settings are read from the amplifiers automatically when they are contacted by NWare. These can be changed on the Advanced tab if necessary.

    If the network settings are correct, the Link lights will be lit (green) and information will be received from the amplifiers, including the gain settings, temperature etc., and displayed in the fields of the Crest Amplifier Stack block.

  11. Click the Advanced tab.
  12. Under Input, click each D button to select digital audio input from the CobraNet network (via the NION).

  13. In each Bundle Num. box, type the bundle number that will be used to transmit audio to the amp.

    Each bundle can manage between 1 and 8 channels. The range is 0 to 65,535 (0 is off). For multicast bundles, the number must be in the range 1 to 255. For unicast bundles, the number must be in the range 256 to 65,279. Numbers in the range 65280 to 65535 are reserved and cannot be used.

    Tip: If you are using four channel amplifiers, a single bundle number can be used for two amplifiers. Specify bundle numbers for either multicast or (multi-)unicast (as described above), and then specify the require settings for the NioNode CobraNet configuration, as described later in this procedure.

  14. Click the Channels tab.
  15. In the CobraNet Sub Channel boxes, specify subchannel numbers to use when referring to the amplifier channels.

    The channel numbers can simply be 1, 2, 3 etc.

  16. Open the NioNode block and, in the first available Bundle boxes in the Transmitters section, specify the bundle numbers you specified in the CKi Amplifier Stack block or Ci Amplifier Stack block.

    Tip: To use multicast, so that two amplifiers can receive audio via the same bundle number, make sure the bundle number is in the range 1-255. The Unicast Mode and Max Unicast settings can be set to the default values. Be aware, however, that multicast is not recommended, as it will result in excessive processing for all network nodes that receive the transmitted data.

  17. In the corresponding Sub-Channel Mapping boxes to the right of the Bundle boxes, specify the CM-1 output numbers (1-32) you want to send to the amplifier.

    Note: Ci and Cki amplifier default sub-channel mapping is one for one. Sub-channel 1 matches amplifier channel 1, sub-channel 2 matches amplifier channel 2, sub-channel 3 matches amplifier channel 3, and so on.

  18. Any of the NION CM-1 audio output numbers may be entered in any sub-channel box. Click the sub-channel box and type the CM‑1 output number you want to use.
  19. In the Num Chan (number of channels) box, type the number of audio channels to be included in the bundle.

    The Num Chan setting, which has a default of 8, controls how many audio channels are sent in a bundle. The value should be set to the number of contiguous channels that will be used, as defined in the Sub-channel Mapping boxes. If Num Chan is set to a value that is greater than the number of channels used, then the bundle will be larger than necessary and will result in wasted bandwidth and processor time. Unused channels with a value of 0 are represented in the bundle by header data only (and no audio data will be included). If the bundle contains subchannel numbers that are not used, they will be sent as full audio channels and consume 1 Mbit of bandwidth per channel.

    Tip: Values in the Sub-Channel Mapping boxes may be changed on a dynamic basis. This allows any hardware channel number to be mapped to any bundle sub-channel(s) at any time, greatly expanding signal routing flexibility. However, only users familiar with advanced CobraNet practices should use this feature.

    Tip: If you want to use multi-unicast, so that two amplifiers can receive audio via the same bundle number, set Unicast Mode to 2 and Max Unicast to 2. For more information on these settings, see Routing audio on CobraNet networks.

  20. On the toolbar, click the Disemulate button.
  21. In the utility frame, click the Flyoffs tab, then drag flyoffs for the CM-1 output channels you are using over to the page.
  22. For test purposes, wire the flyoffs to an audio generator - a sine generator, for example.
  23. Save the project, then deploy it.

    Audio can now pass between the NioNode and the Crest amplifier(s).

See also

Adding a CKi amplifier to your design

Adding a Ci amplifier to your design

Monitoring Crest amplifiers