Showing and hiding the alignment grid

See also

Aligning devices

Packing devices

Controlling how objects snap to the grid

Setting the alignment grid origin

Controlling how objects snap to the grid

You can display an alignment grid on the NWare design page to help you align the objects in your design. NWare can automatically align objects to the grid using the snap feature.

You can choose the distance between the lines of the grid, and also control whether objects snap to the grid lines, or to points between the lines.

The width and height of the grid cells are specified using the Snap X and Snap Y settings. The grid interval specifies the number of snap points from one grid line to the next. If the snap interval is 1, an object snaps to each grid line as you drag it, but if the snap interval is 2, an object snaps to the mid point between each grid line, as well as to each grid line

To switch the snap feature on or off

  1. On the toolbar, click Snap On/Off .

To set the grid interval

  1. On the toolbar, click Edit grid .
  2. In the Grid interval X box, type the number of snap points from one horizontal grid line to the next.
  3. In the Grid interval Y box, type the number of snap points from one vertical grid line to the next.
  4. Click OK.