Moving, copying and duplicating objects

NWare allows you to cut, copy and paste objects in your design, and also to duplicate them. Duplication of an object is carried out in just one step, but performs the same function as copy and paste.

When a generic control, such as a knob, is copied and pasted or duplicated, the copy is assigned the same ID as the original. This means that gesturing the copy will also gesture the original and vice versa.

The behavior is different, however, when you copy a generic control block or DSP device block. Controls inside the copied block will be assigned new IDs, ending the association with the original controls.

When you add controls to a control block or DSP block, and then copy and paste the block, the controls inside the copied block will operate in exactly the same way as the controls inside the original block. Controls inside blocks within the control block or DSP block will be assigned new IDs, and controls copied outside blocks will keep the original IDs.

To move objects

  1. Click an object, or click-drag to make a selection box around the objects you want to move.
  2. Press CTRL+X.
  3. Press CTRL+V to choose a location to paste the objects, or CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste the objects directly under the cursor.

To copy objects

  1. Click an object, or click-drag to make a selection box around the objects you want to copy.
  2. Press CTRL+C.
  3. Press CTRL+V to choose a location to paste the objects, or CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste the objects directly under the cursor.

To duplicate objects

  1. Click an object, or click-drag to make a selection box around the objects you want to duplicate.
  2. Press CTRL+D to choose a location to place the duplicated objects, or CTRL+SHIFT+D to choose the number of copies to make, as well as the arrangement of the copies.

See also

Aligning devices on the design page

Changing the color of device blocks

Copying the style of a control to another control