Control Properties

In this section






See also


Device Properties


Control Type

The type of control: knob, button, fader, etc.


Color when off

The color of the control when it is switched off. Click the color sample, then choose a color from the color palette.



When clicked, the control switches on and remains on until it is clicked again.


While the mouse pointer is over the control and the mouse button is down, the control is switched on. It switches off immediately when the mouse button is released.


The control is switched on when the position value passed to it from another control is greater than 0.5.


The color of the control is specified by a CSS color string value passed to it from another control.

For example, if the value #FF0000 is passed to the control, it will be colored red.


The control is switched on when the string value passed to it from another control matches the specified value.

For example, if a button is wired to the control in a master/slave configuration, it will pass the value true when it is clicked. Therefore, if you specify true in the String box, the control will be activated when the master button is clicked.


Linked to


The page to open when the control is activated.

If the control is placed inside a block, all the pages in the block are listed. If the control is placed on a page in the main NWare window, all the top-level pages are listed.

Note: Hidden pages are also listed, but these pages cannot be opened by activating the control.


When selected, allows a page to be chosen from the list.

Force visible

Forces a block containing a page to be opened before the page is displayed.

This option would be used in the following example scenario:

  1. A control is added to a page inside a block and configured to open one of the other pages in the block.
  2. The control is duplicated and the copy is placed on a page outside the block.
  3. The user wants to click the copy of the control and view the linked page.


Popup Dialog


The dialog to be displayed when the user activates the control in Kiosk2Go.

Enable Dialog Popup

When selected, you can specify a dialog to display.


Jump to K2G Device


The Kiosk2Go device to navigate to in the browser when the control is activated.

Enable Jump to K2G device

When selected, you can specify a Kiosk2Go device to navigate to.


Enable Decoration

When selected, you can specify images from the Media tab for a Kiosk2Go control.

Slider Image

The image to display for the handle on a fader.

Background Image

The image to display for the background on a control.


Image Filename

The file name of an image to display on a knob control.

Image Type

Specifies how the image will be used on a knob control. Right-click the Image Type list to change the type.


Images to display as the background for the knob. Below is an example.


Image to display for the marker on the knob control. This indicates the value selected by the user. The image will be rotated as the value on the control increases.

Below is an example (a border has been added for clarity).


Images to display as the value of a knob control changes. These could be dots that slowly create a circle, for example, like these (borders have been added for clarity):


Add a series of images for a knob control to the image file list.

Images available on the Media tab are shown.


Remove the selected image from the list.

Up / Down

Move the selected image up or down the list.

On Image

Image to display when an LED is on (lit).

Off Image

Image to display when an LED is off (unlit).

Meter Image

Image to display on a meter control.


On Style


Displays an image on the control when it is in the on state.

Image and Color

Displays an image on the control and a background color (selected under Drawing Style) when the control is in the on state.

Off Style


Displays an image on the control when it is in the off state.

Image and Color

Displays an image on the control and a background color (selected under Drawing Style) when the control is in the off state.


Enter each option separated by a colon (:)

(Combo box)

Options to display in the combo box. See Combo box control style above for an example.


Available Pages

Pages available inside the Kiosk2Go block.

Selected Pages

Pages selected to be displayed in the page selection combo box in Kiosk2Go.


Adds the selected pages to the Selected Pages list.


Removes the selected pages from the Selected Pages list.


Moves the selected pages up towards the top of the Selected Pages list.


Moves the selected pages down towards the bottom of the Selected Pages list.


Flip default meter orientation

Changes the meter style from a vertical meter (default) to a horizontal meter.

Show gain labels

Displays labels at the side of the meter to indicate the values the meter is showing.


Labels to show at the side of the meter to indicate the scale. Each label must be separated by a colon (:). Default setting:



Font Size

Text font size used on the control.

Scale to fit

Scales down large text so that it fits into the control.

Transparent background

Makes the region behind the text transparent.

Alert Text

Text to display on the control when the value of the control is 1.

Drawing Style


The color of the control when it is switched on. Click the color sample, then choose a color from the color palette.

Draw Border

Draws a raised border around the control.


Control Accepts User Input

Allows the user to change the value of the control by gesturing it with the mouse, or hovering over the control and typing a value.


Automatically Size

The control will be drawn at its default size.


The width of the control in pixels.


The height of the control in pixels.

Text Box


Hides the text box on the control.


Displays a text box on the control at the specified position.