SNMP Exports


The number of the control that will be monitored. This number corresponds to the SNMP flyoff number and the number for the control in the exportedControlTable in the SNMP MIB.

Each NioNode can control and monitor up to 256 controls.

Tip: Wire SNMP flyoffs to master nodes on controls that you want to monitor or control. To provide SNMP control of a Python script, wire a generic control to both the Python script and to the SNMP flyoff.


When clicked, sets the control to read-only, so its value cannot be changed via SNMP. When this button is switched off, the value of the control can be read and set using SNMP.


A label for the control, which will be stored under controlLabel in the exportedControlTable in the SNMP MIB.

See also

Slot x: 4x4

Slot x: 8i

Slot x: 8ml

Slot x: 8ml II

Slot x: 8o

Slot x: 8o w/d (with dither)

Slot x: AES

Slot x: AEC




Net Ctl <protocol>

Serial <protocol>
