Slot x: 8o

Peak Analog Output Meters

Post-converter peak analog output level (dBu).

Mute (Relay)

Mutes the channel and switches off the relay on the output.

Maximum Analog Sine Output Level

The maximum analog output signal level as it leaves the card. This is the RMS level of the signal.

When the signal level exceeds the peak level (3 dB higher than the RMS level), it is clipped automatically as indicated by the Digital Clip LED.

The range is dependent on the type of card you are using.

Peak Digital Output Meters

Pre-Converter Peak Digital Output Level (dB). 23dB equals full-scale digital output.

Digital Clip

Lit (red) when the output signal is clipped. This occurs when the signal exceeds the peak level.

Infinite Clip Hold

When clicked, the hold indicators on the digital output level meters will continually show the maximum signal value. The hold indicators will only change when a higher signal level is detected.

Clip Hold Time

The time in seconds that the hold indicators on the digital output level meters will continually show the maximum signal value.

The range is 100ms to 100s.


Inverts the polarity of the signal.

Solo. Specifies that the channel is to remain open while all others are muted. Any other channel with Solo on will also remain open.

Digital Gain

The level of gain to be applied to digital signal inside the unit. The signal has already been converted from analog to digital by the A/D converter.

The range is to -100dB to 18dB.

See also

Slot x: 4x4

Slot x: 8i

Slot x: 8ml

Slot x: 8ml II

Slot x: 8o w/d (with dither)

Slot x: AES

Slot x: AEC




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Serial <protocol>


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