VCAT-HD-T front and rear
IR internal receiver.
ON: Blinks green when the transmitter is working correctly.
LINK: Twisted pair link status indicator. On when the connection is successful.
IN: Solid when the display supports
and the key is passed; Blinks when the display does not support HDCP.
POWER: Lit (red) when the external power supply is connected properly.
TP OUT: Accepts a single data cable for connection to TP IN port of VCAT-HD-R.
HDMI IN: Connector for an HDMI source.
IR IN: Connector for IR receiver.
IR OUT: Connector for IR transmitter.
If you want to use the IR IN and IR OUT ports on one of the VCAT-HD devices, you must also use these ports on the other VCAT-HD device.
When the IR IN and IR OUT ports are connected, the internal IR sensors (labeled IR on the front of each device) are disabled.
RS232: Serial connector for bi-directional pass-thru communications.
5V DC: External power supply connector.
See also
VCAT-HD-R front and rear
Twisted pair cable connection