
In this section


Device properties


See also

Auto Group

Blinking Light

Comms Processor

Control Delay

Control Router

Counter Processor

Email Sender

Email Sender - Secure

Generic Controls

Latching Light

Logic Function

Preset - Global

Preset - Snapshot

Preset - Subdomain

Python Script - Live

Python Script - Referenced

Schedule Generator



The Logger device allows you to manually or automatically write entries to the log stored on the node hosting the project.

The device can accept input from one or more devices. When the value received on an input node changes, an entry is automatically written to the log.

Tip: To try out the device, you can add a Generic Control of type string to your design, change the wiring mode to master, and then wire it to one of the input connectors on the Logger device. When you specify a string on the control surface of the Generic Control, it will be passed to the Logger device and written to the log.

The format of the log entry is controlled by the Format field on the device properties. You can specify a format manually, or leave this setting blank and NWare will generate a log entry in the format: The value is <input_1>, where <input_1> is the value received on input node number 1 on the device block.