Scenario 5 - Network with an XDAB cluster (CobraNet)
In this scenario, digital audio is exchanged between NIONs through XDAB.
- The XDAB master can be any device within the cluster.
- The CobraNet Conductor can be any device outside the cluster.
- Remember that all XDAB slaves and their CobraNet interfaces take their clocks from XDAB.
- An XDAB master that gets its clock as a CobraNet performer that is synched to a Conductor that is in turn an XDAB slave would create an unstable clock resolution loop. XDAB would attempt to sync with CobraNet that would in turn be trying to sync with XDAB.
- The XDAB master and CobraNet Conductor will both be in the same NION automatically when default settings are used. If default settings are changed, then be sure to set the XDAB priority and CobraNet Conductor priority to ensure that a single NION is both the XDAB master and CobraNet Conductor.
- If the Conductor is placed within the cluster, then it must also be in the same NION as the XDAB master. If you increase the Conductor priority for one of the NIONs, you must also increase its XDAB priority to ensure that the Conductor and XDAB master will stay in the same NION.
- If a Conductor for a CobraNet network is placed within an XDAB cluster, the NION containing the Conductor must also be the XDAB master.