
In this section



Gain Update

See also



Start Button

Starts the calibration process.

Please read the How To topic for details about the proper calibration procedure.

Calibration LED

Switches to Green when the Start button is pressed and the ambient sense microphone senses input.

Calibration Noise Level

During the Calibration process, sets the level of the noise injected into the room to isolate the speaker leakage from the ambient background noise.

Failure LED

Lights when the Calibration process fails.

Speaker Level Meter

Shows the Speaker audio input level measured by the RMS detector.

Sensor Level Meter

Shows the Sensor audio input level measured by the RMS detector.

Room Gain

When the Calibration process is complete, reports the estimated room gain.


Speaker HP Frequency

Sets the frequency above which the speaker input (routed from the audio output block) will be passed as normal. Any input below this value will be attenuated.

Sense HP Frequency

Sets the frequency above which the input from the ambient sense microphone will be passed as normal. Any input below this value will be attenuated.

Sense RMS Time

Sets the sample length for the RMS detector.

If this control is set to 1 second, the device will only use events that occur during a 1 second period to derive the calculated ambient level. The smaller the value, the more responsive the system will be to changes. In an industrial or public transportation environment, the time should be short (somewhere in the area of 2 seconds). In other applications, such as casinos and dining rooms, the time should be longer (around 30 seconds).

Ambient Level Meter

Shows the ambient sound input level captured by the sense microphone.

Gain Update


When activated, routes the input signal directly to the output channel without passing through the Ambient Sensing Leveler device; however, unity gain is still applied to the output.

Ambient Threshold Level

Sets the input level from the sense microphone above which the device will increase the gain added to the program material, up to the maximum gain level.


Sets the ratio of gain applied to the sense microphone input signal once it exceeds the ambient threshold level.

For instance, if the ambient level exceeds the ambient threshold level by 3 dB and the ratio control is set to 1.5 dB, the program material output level will increase by 4.5 dB.

Attack Time

Sets the reaction time for the gain circuit to make changes when the calculated ambient level rises above the ambient threshold level.

Release Time

Sets the reaction time for the gain circuit to return from changes made when the calculated ambient level drops below the ambient threshold level.

Minimum Gain

Sets the minimum amount of amplification or attenuation to be applied to the output signal.

Maximum Gain

Sets the maximum amount of amplification or attenuation to be applied to the output signal.

Gain Level Meter

Shows the amount of gain that is added to the output signal.

Note: This meter does not indicate any gain when Bypass is selected, however, unity is applied.