controlSet command

In this section



Possible Error Messages

See also

help Command

statusGet command

controlGet command

controlList command

changeGroupAddControl command

changeGroupRemoveControl command

changeGroupClear command

changeGroupGet command


The controlSet command is used to set the value of an aliased control in a deployed project. For example:

controlSet "Main Gain" -3.4\r


On success, RATC1 responds with:

valueIs "Main Gain" -3.40dB 61.5%\r\n

The Control Alias name is enclosed in quotes to support names with embedded spaces. In fact, the quotes are not required for the command argument if the Control alias has no embedded spaces.

In the response, the first token after the alias name is the current value expressed in the units appropriate to that particular Control Alias. In the response, the second token after the Control Alias name is the current value of the alias expressed as a percentage of the maximum value. This can be thought of as a physical knob position - in this example, the 61.5% knob position corresponds to -3.4dB, and a 100% knob position will correspond to +12dB.

Possible Error Messages

\aUnlistedGroup "GroupName"\r\n

In the context of NION and nControl, UnlistedGroup refers to the lack of a control with that control alias. In this instance, the term group is used for compatibility purposes with Classic MediaMatrix RATC.