Worked example

In the example below, a NioNode and a CAB 4n fitted with an RX (blue) card are wired to the Dante network. The CAB has a speaker wired to the first output channel on the RX card.

In NWare, a NioNode is added to the project, with the Audio Network Configuration set to Dante DLM. We will be routing audio via a Dante CAB 4n, so one of these blocks is also added. The audio source will be a white noise generator.

The noise generator is wired to the first DLM output flyoff (dragged over to the page from the Flyoffs tab). This means the audio will be generated on the NioNode, then made available on the Dante network via the first transmitter.

In Dante Controller, a connection is made between the NioNode (graham-aec-dlm) and the CAB (CAB-4n-v1-0-0x0003) simply by clicking on the matrix. The first transmitter from the NioNode is connected to the first receiver on the CAB.

Receivers 1-4 for the CAB correspond to the four output channels on the first RX card fitted to the unit. Therefore, to use channel 1, we make a connection to receiver 1 on the grid. Transmitter 1 corresponds to the first output channel on the DLM fitted to the NioNode, which is wired to the noise generator in the project.

When the connection is established, and the gain adjusted on the white noise generator, audio will be heard from the speaker (it will also be indicated by bars on the meter on the front of the CAB). You can use this simple example to experiment, and pass audio through a more complex project.

See also

Routing audio via a CAB 4n