Getting and setting control values

Controls are set to a position using the cSETVALUE 'S' command. You can determine the current setting of a control using the cGETVALUE 'G' command. The 256 values that a control can be assigned correspond to 256 equidistant positions of a control in an NWare project.

Note: It is not required or desirable to put a carriage return after the end-of-message (EOM) character (.). PASHA will accept the command when it receives the EOM character. Shortly thereafter it will return the value that the control has been set to.

To check what a control is set to, you can use the cGETVALUE 'G' command. For example, to check the setting of a channel 1 parametric EQ center frequency control with an control alias of tes, you send:


Since you are requesting a control value, you do not need to send one. If the control was set to the midpoint of its rotation you will get a response:


If you send a command using a user ID (alias) that does not exist in the project, PASHA will respond with a cUNLISTEDUID 'U' message. For example if there was no alias eje in the project, and you sent:


the response would be:


In this section

Message protocol (boolean control)

Message protocol (gain control)

See also


Allowing PASHA to be used on a MediaMatrix node

Testing and debugging

PASHA user IDs and control aliases

Message protocol

C-like message definition

Message structures quick chart

Serial Control Value to Device Control Value Tables