
In this section

See also


Device Properties

Locked Indicator

Indicates that the feedback ferret has detected feedback and is currently attenuating the affected frequency band.


Shows the width of the frequency band that is being attenuated.


Shows which frequency is being attenuated.


Shows the attenuation level currently being applied to the input signal.



When activated, uses the filters that the feedback ferret has created during the Pre-Show Ringout.

Pre-Show Ringout

When activated, sets up the feedback control filters before Performance mode can be used. To set up the system:

  1. Slowly increase the Microphone's input gain control.
  2. When feedback is detected, stop increasing the gain and allow the Ferret to create the necessary filter.
  3. When you stop hearing signal changes and the Feedback Ferret Filter Statistics area is no longer updating, slowly increase the gain again.
  4. Continue until one of the following occurs:
    • You've reached maximum input gain on the input channel and have feedback.
    • The Feedback Ferret has locked 6 filters.
    • System gain before feedback has been increased by 10 dB.

      Filters set during pre-show are meant to control dominant room modes. For this reason, if more than 6 filters are needed to obtain the necessary sound level, then you should carefully review your system design looking for system design problems.

Filter Control

Wide Filters

When activated, widens the width of the frequency band to increase the number of frequencies that will be attenuated.

Reset button

The Reset button is a convenient way of clearing the Feedback Ferret's filters when you need to make changes to the system to improve performance. For instance, you may find that extra equalization is needed on one band, and would like to restart the Feedback Ferret once you've changed the equalizer settings.


  • Only use the Reset button during pre-show ringout.
  • Before using the reset button, make sure that the system gain is well below feedback; otherwise, serious system damage is possible.
  • This control should never appear on the top level of a system view.



Note: Recompiling the project also resets the Feedback Ferret's filters.

Panic Filters

Enable button

When activated, the Feedback Ferret will apply a panic filter (a one-octave bandwidth notch filter at -6dB) when it detects sudden uncontrolled blasts of feedback. The filter's response and release time are preset and based on subsequent samples.

Threshold Level

Sets the panic filter threshold.

Set this control to just below Nominal operating level (0 dB), unless your design requires more or less headroom. Setting this threshold too low may cause unnecessary filters to be set during normal program material.