

Starts the timing sequence: active - delay - pulse, as indicated by the LEDs on the control surface.



When enabled, trigger pulses during the delay phase cause the timer to reset to the beginning of the delay phase. This allows the timer to be used as a missing pulse detector, or heartbeat.

Once the timer enters the pulse phase, trigger pulses cause the timer to reset to the beginning of the delay phase.

When disabled, additional triggers are ignored while a timing sequence is in process.


Starts the timing sequence and repeats it indefinitely.


Stops the timing sequence and clears all LEDs.

If Loop is enabled, this button is ignored.

Delay Time

The duration of the delay phase.

The timer enters this phase when it is started.

Pulse Time

The duration of the phase that starts after the delay phase.


Lit (yellow) when the device has been triggered and the timing sequence has started.

If Loop is enabled, Active is lit continuously.


Lit (purple) during the delay phase.


Lit (light blue) during the pulse phase.

See also


Device Properties