Device Properties

Input count

The number of input connector nodes for passing values to the script. The valid range is 1 to 256.

Output count

The number of output connector nodes. The valid range is 1 to 256.

Watch input


If the values of any of the inputs change, the Python script will be run.


If the value of the first input changes, the Python script will be run.


If the value of the last input changes, the Python script will be run.


When selected, the script will run in its own thread when the device is triggered. Using threads allows multiple scripts to be run simultaneously.

If you leave this option cleared, only the script configured for this device will run when it is triggered. Other scripts cannot run simultaneously, even when they are triggered.

Advanced properties

Role assign

The role that this device belongs to. Devices in your design are allocated to roles (either manually, or automatically by NWare). Roles are then assigned to MediaMatrix hardware devices for processing during deployment.

You can manually assign a device to a role by clicking the button to change it to the button, and then selecting a role name in the list.

NWare will decide which role this device belongs to.

The user will specify a role manually.

Multiple devices have been selected for assignment to a role; some of the devices have already been assigned to a role manually and others have not.

See also

