Topic: CAB 4n subchannel mapping

Can someone clear up a bit of confusion on my part with regards to subchannel mapping with CAB 4n's? Are the channel number to slot channel assignments always the same regardless of what type of cards are loaded in the CAB? For example if I have an input card in slot 1 and an output card in slot 2, is channel 1 on slot 2 Cobranet output 1 or 5?



Re: CAB 4n subchannel mapping

Basically Jason you have Sub Channel numbers 1-16 to play with regardless of what type of cards you have. So to answer your question the first channel on the O/P Card in slot 2 will be O/P channel number 5. Of course the actual CM1 CobraNet Channel (Flyoff) number will depend on where you assign these bundle numbers within the Nionode/CM1 Device.

Advanced Channel Mapping for the Nionode CM1 works differently the TX Channels are 1-32 and the RX Channels are 1-32, if you remember Classic MM the RX Channels where 33-64 if i remember correctly......

BTW, remember to set the Number of Channels column in Transmitters accordingly to avoid transmitting needless channels on the Network.

Additional note - Sub Channel Mapping is not supported for CM1 Cab4n's but is for CM2 Cab4n's.

All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him.


Re: CAB 4n subchannel mapping

Thanks, the Nion subchannel mapping for some reason was always straightforward to me yet the CAB4n wasn't.

Good to know about the CM-1 CAB4n's though. I have a bunch of CAB4ns that I will be implementing subchannel mapping when I upgrade from 1.2.4. Is there a way, without opening up each one, to determine which model it is?


Re: CAB 4n subchannel mapping

There's two easy ways to distinguish between CM1 and CM2 Cab's

1. On CM1 modules the Metal plate is silver(brushed aluminum) on CM2 modules the Metal Plate is painted Black.
2. Second easy way is to look at the system description within CN Disco, if it's CM1 it will say CM1, if it's CM2 it will read back as CS181022.

I would double check with Disco in case there has been a mix up with Plate colors....! think I've seen this once before.

All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him.


Re: CAB 4n subchannel mapping

As James says, double check.  Black and silver is occasionally interchanged.

Make it intuitive, never leave them guessing.