Topic: Bug Fix workaround thought to be related to spurious restarts
The latest firmware release, 1.6.5, fixes the problem described below.
The workaround described below is not needed if the NION firmware has been updated to version 1.6.5 or later
Over the past number of months we have been wrestling with a rare, but in some cases repeatable, condition in which we see Nions or roles in Nions restart. We have found a conditon in the NION that contributes to a gradual increase in CPU utilization that we think is responsible for these restarts. Whether the issue manifests itself depends on the base CPU load of the system in general together with how long a system is left running between resets. The symptom could be seen in weeks, months, or never depending on particular project circumstances. We are developing a permanent fix but in the meantime have a workaround:
The workaround is to ENABLE debug logging via the RS-232 port.
This comes with one caveat. Debug data will now be sent out the RS-232 port (not the 422/485 port). If you are using this port for 3d party control then it will probably confuse the device with debug data amd login responses.
To enable the workaround:
1) Acces the NION via its web interface. This can be done from the Remote Log tab of NWare.
2) Select the Special page
3) Select Advanced under Advanced and Debug
4) Check the Console Enabled checkbox under Debug Serial Console
5) Click on the Set button under the Console Enabled checkbox
6) Reboot the NION
Reboot can be done from the main Special page or from the NION's front panel
If it asks for log in credentials during this process, superuser with no password will work assuming you have not changed it.
Again, in the web interface: check the Console Enabled check box; press the Set button; reboot
This will prevent CPU bandwidth utilization from creeping up and should prevent spurious role or device restarts.