Topic: Our MM-980nt is DEAD...help!

Our IT department was working on the SCSI array drives and has realized we might have a motherboard problem with our MM-980nt.  Our system has completely crashed.  YIKES!

In the interim while we search for funds to replace our system, we want to try and find a 'band-aid' approach to provide a solution.

I fully realize this system is outdated and no longer supported (runs on Windows 2000 Professional)...but we are looking for a very short term solution.

Any thoughts?  Can we look for a used MM-980nt?


Re: Our MM-980nt is DEAD...help!

Sure, there are often used Mainframes available through used channels like ebay. BUT, buyer beware, some not so scrupulous sellers will pull the DSP cards out and sell the rest of the frame, then sell the DSP cards separately. So, be wary of what you are buying.

On the other hand, you could just go find a replacement PICMIG 1.3 computer card and stick in the thing. Then, you may want to consider installing some SATA hard drives instead of sticking with the old SCSI array. Likewise, depending on where the problem really is with the computer card that you currently have in the unit, you may be able to just use an old school IDE hard drive instead of the SCSI array.

Of course, any solution that requires you to use new hard drives will probably require reinstalling the operating system and reinstalling MWare. But, you can use Windows XP Professional if you would like to have an upgrade from Windows 2000.

Josh Millward
Burnt Orange Studios


Re: Our MM-980nt is DEAD...help!

Oh, one more thing that I didn't mention above, buying another frame for parts isn't always as good of an idea as just buying parts. You should remember that that old frame you are looking at probably lived a life similar to your own frame in that it was put in and not paid attention to for years. So, the hard drives, computer card, and power supplies could be in the same sort of condition.

Josh Millward
Burnt Orange Studios


Re: Our MM-980nt is DEAD...help!

This is a really a tech support issue, as opposed to a forum question (though Josh did give good advice).

Send us an email;


Or you can call our toll-free number;

866/662-8750 and then mash 4 for Legacy (MainFrame) support.

And remember...NOW is always a good time to save (or back-up).


Make it intuitive, never leave them guessing.


Re: Our MM-980nt is DEAD...help!

Thanks for the assistance...we located and have successfully found a used MM system that is currently our "band aid".

Now--we've identified some funds to move forward.

Is it possible to replace our MM 980nt with Nion products without having to scrap all of our pre-amps and amps?

Our current MM 980-nt has 14 audio cards. 

I apologize for my kindergarten knowledge of what I'm talking about, but I'd love to know if this is possible, and if so...a ball park of what this might cost.

Thanks in advance.  I appreciate your advice!