Do you have trouble using the advanced mode if you try to access any other CobraNet devices, in particular a NION or a CAB4n? If so then then the default timeouts and retries in Disco may not be set correctly for your net conditions. By default they prettyy much never are set right. YOu can acces them (assuming a 4.x.x rev of Disco) from the Tools | Preference menu
The default timeout is 1500, which is way too long. Change it to 100 or 200 and increase the timeouts from 2 to some larger number. The holdoff shoudl be OK and usually affects writes more than reads.
If you can ccess a NION or CAB4n OK but not the CAB8i or 8n then the problem may be an incompatibility between the CAB8i/o and Disco. These are fully compliant CobraNet designs based on a referecne design from Cirrus loginc but are not purchased from Cirrus Logic as are the CM-1 and CM-2 modules. There could be some small difference accounting for the communications problem.
In the worst case you can always use a MIB browser to access all of the SNMP variables (OIDs) directly in any CobraNet device, but should NEVER do that without a good reason and a STRONG understanding of what you are doing and its consequences.
Try the above and lyt me know what happens.
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