Topic: ftp area storage size

Hi all,

within a telnet session I can see that NION ftp storage size is about 122MB which is fair enough (I want to storage 200MB of wave files). Also I've see that ftp area is located at compact flash

There are some way I can upgrade this size? I've test to upgrade the compact flash to another one greater enough, but after two or three reboots is doesn't work any more

Can I use the IDE bus (available inside NION) to connect a second compact flash???



Re: ftp area storage size

Hi Sergio,

There should be 2GB Compact Flash cards available to upgrade your NIONs from the original 256MB CF cards to the newer 2GB CF cards. This will yeild you approximately 1600 MB of storage in the FTP directory.

We do not support adding another drive (Compact Flash, spinning, or SSD) via the IDE interface on the NION's mainboard. If you wish to undertake this endeavor, there is no support available from MediaMatrix. In fact, I've never heard of anyone actually doing this and I don't really recommend it.

Josh Millward
Burnt Orange Studios


Re: ftp area storage size

Thanks JoshM

I don't known that there are 2GB CF available. I will contact my co-workers (NION related projects) to offer this solution



Re: ftp area storage size

Hi Sergio,

We can supply the 2GB CF card from here at Peavey in the UK.

Just send us an email and we can sort things out for you.

Best regards,
