Topic: How to disable the hover text in NWare / Kiosk
The hover text, is the text that appears by default when you hover over/change a control in NWare or Kiosk, eg. "Mute 1 : off". It may be desirable to turn this text off, particularly for touch screen Kiosk PC's.
To do this, you need the following line in your preferences XML file: <item name="enable_hover" value="false" />. This needs to live with the other <item name... entries under <root> then <preferences>.
The preferences XML file is located in plugins\nware\xml this is called either preferences.xml for NWare or for Kiosk it's kiosk_preferences.xml
I'd suggest making a copy of any XML files before you start modifying them, so you always have an original to revert back to.
Good luck!