Topic: NWare Alias Utility available
To all,
I wrote a simple 'Alias Info' utility that documents all aliases in a project. It lists the control the alias is associated with, its type, min & max if applicable, the control device label, the Device ID, and the 'path', if one exists.
It generates a tab delimited string that is displayed, and can be copied to the clipboard. Once on the clipboard, it pastes right into an Excel spreadsheet. A project needs to have been emulated for the utility to work.
Simple exe file is at -- … eAlias.exe
Simple windows installer is at -- … eAlias.htm
The installer will get required files (.Net framework 3.5, etc) if your system doesn't have them. It will also add the program to your start menu.
Feel free to let me know if you find projects it won't run on or cause errors, or if you have any suggestions for changes, etc.
PS - for all the coders, MSFT has a C# zip utility available on the web. I didn't write that code...