Topic: Dante
Ok, I was interested in getting some *REAL* info regarding the Audinate Dante protocol, so I found their official website. Wow, I've heard people complain about Cirrus' lack of support and information regarding CobraNet, but the website has got them beat hands down. Talk about worthless. I don't care how cool a product may be, if I cannot get *USEFUL* information regarding how it works so that I can correctly design a system to utilize it, you can be sure I will never use it nor can I in good faith recommend it to anyone else.
So I propose this question. How am I supposed to even consider your(or anyone's for that matter) Dante interface product knowing that
when the rubber meets the road, and I'm in the rack room at some ungodly hour and the stuff doesn't work, I have only some useless marketing babble to help me out?
Sorry if I am out of line, but I was *REALLY* disappointed by their website. Given you guys are one of their direct clients, I would recommend trying to encourage them to get some documentation in order.