Topic: Deployment of a Role Questions
I have gone through documentation for both Nware and the Nion hardware, but I cant seem to find a definitive answer. This actually may be a very silly question. I am just now finally getting the chance to modify roles and deploy them, and I ran into a slight problem. When attempting to deploy a role to one of my NION N3's.. it gets stuck on the error message, "Stopping current Role".. and just hangs. I end up having to power down the box from the front LED panel and then redeploy the role to the box to get it back up.
Question is: Do we hae to stop the current role on the box before attemptin to deploy a new role to it? I am assuming that is the case, but I wanted to verify it here if possible. Also, is there a checklist anyone can either suggest or provide of things to just double check before deploying a new role to a NION box?
Thanks in advance.