Topic: errors on connect

We've been using the same nion installation for some time without any issues. This weekend we had to shut everything down. This morning when I powered up I noticed for the first time that there is a console window full of error messages.
This appeared after starting Nware and connecting and uploading the nion files.
If I close the console window Nware also shuts down. Is this normal?

Most of the errors are like this:

bogus control://devices/1175/control/channel_peak_1

Any idea how to pursue this?


Re: errors on connect

I'm not sure about that console window you are talking about.

What version of NWare are you using?

After you deploy your project to the NION, look on the "Log" tab in NWare's output frame. Do you see the same messages there?

That message is telling you that Device ID 1175 has a bogus control called "channel_peak_1".

Open the "Find" dialog (Ctrl+F or Edit>Find...) and choose "controls" from the combo box.
Enter the Device ID of 1175 and stick an * in for the RUID, then execute the find function.

This should give you a list of all the controls for Device ID 1175. What is Device ID 1175? If it is a gain object, then it is not going to have a RUID called "channel_peak_1". You need to go through and delete all the controls with RUIDs that do not exist in the device with the Device ID of 1175.

Josh Millward
Burnt Orange Studios


Re: errors on connect

There was a period of time when Win 7 first arrived that the log tab was not integrating properly, but rather appeared as a console window.  I believe it was with 1.5.1 thru 1.5.3.

To confirm this, the Log tab that Josh mentions will be empty.  So instead look in the console window for the bogus controls.

Make it intuitive, never leave them guessing.


Re: errors on connect

Thank you for your replies.

Fergy, you described my situation of an empty Log tab and error messages in a cmd or console window.
After unsuccessfully trying to rid myself of this issue by restarting nware a few times, I executed a Find for one of the bogus controls (there were over a 100), and found it to be something that was functional the day before. After executing the Find, I restarted Nware again and it started normally.

I am using nware 1.5.0 on a windows 7 machine.


Re: errors on connect

It was functional because you had the parent device for that control still in the project file.

At some point after that, you deleted the parent device, but not the controls which had been copied out.

Josh Millward
Burnt Orange Studios