Topic: Peavey Media Matrix Offline Editor X-ware

I've got a Media Matrix, X-Frame 88, system. When I connect to the computer and use X-Ware to edit it live, I have full designer access. However, as soon as I disconnect, reload the file, whatever, I can't edit any volume dials...move anything...etc... I can add new devices, but can't change any volume dials unless I'm online with the xframe. Anybody know if I can edit levels offline? Yes, I'm still logged in as a designer...


Re: Peavey Media Matrix Offline Editor X-ware

When you are not connected to the XFrame, you can still compile and make those adjustments.  Just press F9, which will start the compile.  When you have finished with you adjustments, save the file.  When you next connect, you can "push" those adjustments to the XFrame.

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Re: Peavey Media Matrix Offline Editor X-ware

Another problem...

When I compile and then can edit things, I seem to lose control of some of the SubPreset buttons that exist inside the file. When connected live, they work. But they don't work when I try to do it offline and compile...the buttons don't actually do what they're supposed to. When I reload the same exact scene to the xframe88, the buttons then become inoperative as well.


Re: Peavey Media Matrix Offline Editor X-ware

I think ,when you change your XWare project file, you should resave  the preset again .Arter this, the button should work.
Try this !

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