Don't forget your job of setting the Control Aliases...As a reminder, here is the process;
Right click on the control that you want to externally control, go to the "Wire" tab, and you will find the Control Alias. You can use friendly names, or just numbers, but you CAN'T use spaces or any symbol that Linux might think is a command.
You will also want to add a User Account just for RC. I give defaultuser Network Access in the beginning, to make it easier for the Programmer to set up the Telnet session, and to test their commands. Once the Programmer starts to get the commands working, the next step is to comfirm that he/she is logging in with the correct User Account (look at the Remote Log tab for this), and then shut down the Network Access for the defaultuser.
I hand the Programmer the few pages from Remote Control RATC2 in the Help Files, and say "Read this, and then ask any questions you might have." When they then ask a question, I say "You didn't read what I gave you, did ya."
Phil, didya know that cs (controlalias) ++3 or --3 will step the level up/down 3 dB from the current level?
Make it intuitive, never leave them guessing.