There is also another way to reset a CM-1 using CobraNet Discovery (latest version 3.4.4)
This version of Disco is also installed with a program called DiscoOptions. Run DiscoOptions and make sure the SNMP box is checked. This will allow selection of the generic SNMP menu in Disco. Close DiscoOptions.
Run Disco.
In the main window double click on the device you want to reset. This brings up its configuration dialog.
Select the SNMP button. This brings up the generic SNMP dialog.
Set the 'Group' droplist item to 'Firmware'
Set the 'Variable' droplist item to 'firmwareRestart'
Set the 'Value' to 1 (actually any non zero value will work)
Uncheck the RO checkbox. Normally this should not be checked by default but for this variable it is checked to make sure you are conscious of what you are doing and can't do it accidentally.
Click the 'Put' button
This will reset the CM-1.
DO NOT DO THIS WITH A CM-2. The CM-2 does not support this function and will just freeze. If the CM-2 is installed in a box with a watchdog timer then the watchdog SHOULD then reset, and thus unfreeze, the CM-2. If there is no watchdog then you will have to manually reset the device to unfreeze it.
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