Topic: Nware NioNode device discovery
Hi all,
When does NWare look on the Network for nions/Conman to connect to?
It seems to me that this only happens at startup of Nware. Is there a way to force this discovery without having to close NWare then start it again?
I see this issue in NWare 1.2.6 when I open NWare then load a file then compile it and then try to deploy it. If all the Nions in the system were turned on and alive on the network when I started NWare then all will deploy OK, however if any of the nions were not present when NWare started, then turning them on/connecting them does not work, they will never appear in the deployment network view window at this stage.
To recover I have to first connect the Nions and make sure thay are on the network THEN close NWare (also making sure in the windows process list that pandad has exited, if not then close it manually), then restart NWare then reload my file then re compile and hopefully at deployment time I will see all the nions in the system, and can then deply successfully.
It would be very very useful to be able to force this discovery process from within Nware, as when working with lage systems/files much time is taken up by reloading files and re compiling just because one Nion was disconnected/powered off for some reason when NWare was started.
I frequently have problems where